Zonal POS Installation Guide

Zonal POS Installation Guide


PMB Magic Installer Screen

For Zonal install credentials contact:
Brian Laugherty | brian.laugherty@zonalusa.com | 407-947-7145


When installing PMB Magic, select the “Zonal” option from the Integration Type drop down. 

Fill out all the installer credentials (example credentials below):

Username: pourmybeer.newlocation (same for all installs)

Password: 4gdrgr4S  (same for all installs)

LocationName: example-003 

Site Id: 10

Sales Area Id: 6

Ingredient Id: 10000002355  (same for all installs)

Portion Type Id: 1  (same for all installs)

Menu Id: 11856 (same for all installs)

Service Id: 3  (same for all installs)


Then select the Configure button to install.


You should receive a success message when the installer has completed successfully.

Confirm integration settings in TTG


In TTG select Server Configuration then goto Hotel Interface section to confirm PMB Magic v2 is selected (as seen with example below):


Also confirm under the Cards section that Allow online Pre and Bill-Pay cards is selected (as seen below):



Save the configuration and select Send send config update notification 


Product Inventory Sync


There is no product sync with the Zonal integration. Please notify the Zonal contact above to let them know that PMB Magic is installed so they can manually link the Product IDs in the TTG database and test the integration.