Server Configuration Settings Overview
Detailed overview of the various configuration settings
Domain Settings
Data Format / Display Settings
Beverage Settings
Tap Time Limitation Settings
Driver's License Settings
Backup Settings
Hotel Interface Settings
Card Settings
Client Logging
External Link
SMTP Settings
Known API Users
Background Images
Maintenance Operations
Domain Settings

- Specifies name of server in network
- Must be unique in network
- Should be changed first before connecting clients/chargers
- If name was changed clients/chargers have to be reconnected manually
- Unique system identifier for whole TTG system
- Is calculated at first start-up of system
- Admin-User:
Can login to server, clients, charger
- Client-User:
Can login to clients, charger
- Local user:
Can login to clients via local login
Language settings for clients:
- English
- German
- Portuguese

Data Format / Display Settings

- Specifiy currency unit prefix and suffix
- Specifiy used decimal separator (period or comma)
- Default is period

- Show money amount poured after logout

- Show poured volume after logout

- Show price per unit when customer is logged in into client

- In portion mode show either absolute numbers or % display

- Show price tag in logged off state

- Specify color of price tag
- Define week start (Sunday or Monday) default is US setting
- Day start offset for various operations (database cleanup, maintenance jobs, backup etc.)

- Choose default fill level image for clients

- Choose default background image for clients
- Can also be set directly at the background images

Beverage Settings

- Base unit for volume
- Is used for summaries, keg level, reporting etc.

- For responsibility limit
- Default 2.00
- Set to zero to deactivate responsibility limit (attention: only applies to newly created cards!)
- For age checks in various interfaces or licence drive scanner
- Check responsibility text when resp. Limit is hit of certain card and displayed to the customer at the client
- Additional error input on TTG
- If pressure monitor detects low pressure client is locked

- In portion mode: if checked a selected portion needs an additional confirmation

Tap Time Limitation Settings

- If checked define time where it is ALLOWED to tap at the clients
- Modify text for tap time limitation

Driver's License Settings
- If checked you can scan with driving licences with the TTG X5 charger
- For TTG only name is relevant (for card name)
- If statistics flag is set additional data is transmitted to hotel interface

Backup Settings

Define directory path (inside TTG server installation folder) where to put the local backups |
How often a local backup should be done |
How many backups should be kept until they are deleted
Attention: Make sure backups are saved regularly on external discs, hardware, etc. to have an independent backup from the local PC!
Hotel Interface Settings

Card Settings

- Define which "main" card input is used for identifying a customer properly
- RFID card reader = default
- Magnetic card reader – for certain hotel interfaces
- Vendotek terminal (serial) – for vendotek terminal
- USA technologies terminal – for USATech credit card terminal – can be used in US only

- Allows the creation of unlimited customer cards at the charger

- Works only for system cards + online customer cards
- Additional logout button available
- Logout timer when no action is done on client

- Card password use from clients + chargers
- Option to disable the logout button

- Enable/Disable fill up feature for staff cards or manager cards

- Enable/Disable the creation of REDL online cards (1k Mifare Classic)

Client Logging
- Clients log every action and send it to server
- Server creates own logging database and stores logs
- Watch out for size of database!

External Link

- Define custom link for server page
- You can use custom icon, name and url
SMTP Settings

- SMTP server to connect to, to send emails
- Login credentials for SMTP server
- Password is stored as hash in TTG database
- Recipient email address for notification emails, etc.
- At some email providers (e.g. gmail) you need to activate the access through "less secure" apps. Otherwise no emails can be sent via TTG server
Known API Users

- List of authenticated users which use the TTG server API
- You can invalidate the tokens or block the user
Background Images
- Upload new background images
- Reset all clients to default background (if some clients have custom background images)
- Define new default background
Maintenance Operations
- Send firmware/filesystem notfication: If new version was installed. Be sure you can also restart all clients – after restart every client pulls the newest version from server
- Send config update notification: Send config update manually
- Send timesync notification: usually done automatically every 5-10 seconds. Can be done manually
- Send restart devices notification: Every connected TTG client restarts
- Generate export config DB: Generates the database which is sent to the clients/chargers
- Generate views DB: Deletes and recreates the data_views.sqlite database
- Create database backup: creates a backup from all databases
- Optimize databases: recreates indexes, vacuums, etc. databases