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Manually downgrade Screen Firmware

This example shows how to downgrade from firmware 136 to 127 but process is the same for any version downgrade. Check with firmware is compatible with the version of TTG on the server.

In TTG software go to Client Settings tile then Known Client Devices link at the top of the screen. You will see a similar screen as example below. Look for the x5 devices and check the first 3 digits of the Firmware version. All x5 screens should have the same version (for TTG v41 it should be 127).

FirmScreenshot 2022-08-24 090235 (1)

To resolve this issue on the PMB server open Windows File Explorer and navigate to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Table Tap Go Server\firmware folder. You should see the following:
Screenshot 2022-08-24 120102

Rename the x5-fw-127.bin file to a number higher than any version available. In this example we will rename to x5-fw-137.bin (since 136 is the highest version)

In TTG software go to go to Server Configuration tile then Maintenance Operations link at the top of the screen.   
Screenshot 2022-08-24 120620

First select send firmware/filesystem update notification then immediately select send restart devices notification.

Let the process run for a few minutes. The screens should restart and update firmware. Go back to the Known Client Devices page to confirm all version are the same.

Screenshot 2022-08-24 122119

Once all firmware versions are updated go back to Windows File Explorer and navigate to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Table Tap Go Server\firmware folder to rename the firmware version back to the correct version number. In this case x5-fw-127.bin. 

Finally In TTG software go to go to Server Configuration tile then Maintenance Operations link at the top of the screen and select send firmware/filesystem update notification then immediately select send restart devices notification one last time.

If the procedure above does not work it may require the SD cards to be rewritten.