Toast Usage Guidelines

**NOTE: Please notify PMB staff if you change your Toast credentials in any way. This will affect your product sync and other software capabilities.

Creating & Pairing A Ticket:


Video Tutorial:

Video Tutorial Can Be Viewed Here


Step by Step:





To pair a card and use the card on the beer wall:

• Open a new ticket in Toast and make sure there is a name



• Place Admin/Staff card on charger RFID reader, select ‘Open Tickets’


• Select the ticket you would like to pair a card to




• Press enter until you are at the step to ‘Pair Ticket’


• One by one, place customer cards on the RFID reader until the success message appears saying the cards
are paired

• Customer cards are now ready to be used on the beer wall
***Note: You will not need to close the customer card in the charger. Simply close the tab in the point of sale and the customer card will no longer be active.


Closing A Ticket

Simply follow the standard flow of your specific POS system for closing out a ticket, and the ticket will be closed on the charger. Please note that your ticket will still be visible on the charger for up to 5 minutes before disappearing. This is expected behavior, no need to worry!