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  2. PourMyBeer User Guide

Tap / Line Calibration





This adjustment is meant to calibrate the ounces poured to the ounces displayed on the tap screen.

Place your admin card on the tap screen and tap the “Configure Valves” button.



Tap the Line you wish to calibrate.


Pulses/oz will be set to 90 for most locations.
You can edit manually by going up or down from the set value of 90.

If more beer is pouring than the quantity shown on the tap screen, your pulses value will need to go down.

If less beer is pouring than the quantity shown
on the tap screen, your pulses value will need  to go up.

Use the formula below to find your correct pulse/oz value:

Tap the pulses value box and press the blue measuring cup to pour a couple ounces of beer into your measuring cup. A pulse value will be generated.

Pulses Generated / Ounces Poured = Pulses/oz



Tap the product assigned to this line to save all
changes. You will see a screen saying done if
calibration was saved correctly.


Test to make sure the screen was calibrated
correctly by pouring a few ounces of beer into
a measuring cup and verifying that the ounces
shown on the screen are equal to the ounces
poured into the cup.