Gotab enable underage/non-alcohol RFID cards.

How to enable and use the underage/non-alcohol RFID card feature in Gotab.

You must have PMB Magic 1.4.4 or better.

In your Gotab POS Portal go to Location Settings > POS Tab Pass Configs. Add a new Privilege called "alcohol-pmb" and set it to Auto-Assign (see screenshot below). Enabling Auto-Assign will ensure that all RFID cards/passes that are activated with be enabled for alcohol by default. 

GotabUnderageScreenshot 2023-11-02 142143

After you enable the custom Privileges setting above you will now see the "alcohol-pmb" tag added to each card/pass that you activate on a tab. Card/Passes that have a tag can be used for both alcohol or non-alcohol beverage. To activate an RFID card/pass only for underage/non-alcohol customers you simply remove the "alcohol-pmb" tag for that card/pass. 
GotabPassScreenshot 2023-11-01 123842 (1)