Toggle or Schedule Open Pour

How to toggle open pour.

1. Click on the "Server Configuration" tab


2. Click Server Configuration 


3.Scoll down the left side and find Open Pour.


4. Follow the numbered arrows

  1. Select Toggle Open Pour Active
  2. Select Enable Open Pour Reports(Charger)
  3. Select Save Changes
  4. Select Send Config Update Notification to all clients

Be aware that Open Pour will be active until this setting is turned off.

To turn off Open Pour, you can follow the same steps to uncheck the "Open Pour Active" box, save changes, and send config update notification! 

Schedule Open Pour

Instead of toggle open pour there is a way to schedule using the Tap Schedule function on the server. This allows you to create a daily, selected weekdays or even a specific date.

1.Open the Server Management Page and go to Tap Schedule

2. Enter a name and select the time type you would like

3. Select the weekdays if selected "Selected Weekdays" or input the date range if selected "Date Specific" then enter in a Time Start and Time End.

4. Select open pour

5. Most of the other options do not need to be selected for open pour you can scroll down to the Save button. Make sure to send the Configuration update that shows at the top of the page after saving.

6. To remove an open pour schedule scroll to the bottom and click delete. It will also ask to confirm the deletion. Click delete again and make sure to again send the configuration update.