Client Settings Overview
Overview of TTG Client configuration settings
Tap Configuration Operations
- Current configured products
- Current keg level (if configured for line)
- Keg Alert for each line
- Must be properly connected at TTG client
- Difference between fob stop and fob stop inverted is that fob stop inverted also triggers an alert if fob stop is disconnected or malfunctions
Tap modes:
- Standard: "Free-Flow" mode
- Portion: For portion mode
- ByTheGlass: Control a connected ByTheGlass device
- Arcade: Control a conntected arcade machine
- Bar network: control a connected dispensing equipment
- If tap mode is portion or byTheGlass
- Shows the configured ITEMS for each line
Known Client Devices
- IP address marked red = ip used double in TTG system
- Delete device from database
- Possible platforms:
- X5: dispensing client (default client)
- Charger: x5 charger
- Cpt: desktop charger
- Rpi_arcade: x5 arcade machine
- Each platform has its individual firmware
- Client has to be reconnected to server manually. Authentication is deleted
Firmware Versions
- Currently available firmware/filesystems for all platforms
- Visual representation of the "firmware" folder in the TTG server installation folder